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Always There For You

At Pink Elephant, we’re dedicated to ensuring your home is a haven of comfort and efficiency.
The attic of a home is being insulated with insulation.

High-Grade Insulation Starts Here

Efficient Process for Effective Results

At Pink Elephant, we understand that every home has unique insulation requirements. We offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at enhancing your home's energy efficiency, comfort, and overall safety.

How It Works

Just 4 Steps To Get Our Services

Starting the journey to a well-insulated and energy-efficient home can feel overwhelming, but at Pink Elephant Insulation, we make the process smooth and hassle-free. Our systematic approach ensures we deliver personalized, high-quality services to each and every homeowner.

Assessment & Review

We start with a comprehensive evaluation of your home to identify areas of energy inefficiency and strategize a customized insulation plan matching your specific needs and goals.

Insulation Removal & Air Sealing

We expertly remove old or inefficient insulation to make way for better insulation solutions. Using spray foam, we precisely seal cracks and gaps for an energy-efficient, airtight seal within your home.

Insulation Installation & Support Services

We install top-grade insulation for optimal thermal resistance, covering every corner of your attic. Lastly, we simplify homeowners' lives by managing associated paperwork for insurance claims and rebate applications.

Disinfecting & Quality Assurance

Our wrap-up includes an often-overlooked but vital service - Disinfecting. If your attic has faced pest infestations or mold issues, we utilize eco-friendly disinfectants to cleanse the area before installing new insulation.

Only with Pink Elephant

Settle for Nothing but the Best

At Pink Elephant, our services reflect our belief in quality, eco-friendliness, and customization. Our commitment to transparency and education empowers homeowners to make informed decisions at every step. So, are you ready to redefine energy efficiency, comfort, and health in your home? Schedule an appointment today!

Insulation in a room with wood flooring.